Moisturable Micronized

Product name: Wettable Sulfur.
Packaging: It is sold as an ochre powder which has been specially formulated to be suspended in water It is packaged in printed bags and palletized.

Each bag displays the product batch number and the required Certificate of Analysis which evidences conformance with quality standards. It is registered at Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación (Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Food Agency) and has been approved by SENASA (Argentine Agriculture and Food Sanitation & Quality Agency) by certificate No. 34653


Sulfur may be a phytotoxic substance in slightly changing, hot climates. Do not use at temperatures over 25§ or in combination with oils. Apply the product at 20-30-day intervals, otherwise, leaves and fruits may be burnt. In vineyards, stop the treatment at the beginning of the veraison period.


Do not mix with oils or other emulsifiers.

It is compatible with soluble concentrates and wettable and/or soluble powders.